Student working on computer

Online MS in
Computer Science

Applying to graduate school can feel overwhelming. To best support prospective online MS in Computer Science (MSCS) students, we simplified our online admissions process; no GRE required, less stress for you. Read on to learn what you need to apply to the online MSCS.

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No GRE Required

Admission Requirements

Program Eligibility

While the online MSCS offers top value to students at every stage of their career, you will need a bachelor of science in computer science, computer engineering, or a similar discipline to apply.

If you have an academic background outside of computer science, but possess extensive field experience and have taken programming, data structures, algorithms, and discrete mathematics coursework at the collegiate level, you may be eligible to apply.

If you are uncertain whether or not coursework will satisfy prerequisites based on your academic background, refer to the transfer course search to help determine course equivalencies.

Icon chat Confirm your program eligibility by contacting a member of our enrollment team today.

Application Materials

In order to be considered for the online MS in Computer Science, students must first create an account through the application system. A completed application must include:

  • A 2-3 page statement of purpose
  • Transcripts from each institution attended, even if a degree was not conferred
  • An updated resume
  • Optional GRE test scores
  • An optional statement for additional context (required for applicants with an undergraduate GPA below 3.0)
  • Optional letters of recommendation
  • A $60 nonrefundable application fee

While not required, we strongly encourage all applicants to take advantage of application advising services prior to submitting an online MSCS application. To schedule a comprehensive application walkthrough, contact our team.


  • Two semesters of calculus (although one can suffice if all other criteria are met);
  • Two semesters of college-level math;
  • Coursework and/or extensive professional experience in the following
    programming languages: Python, C, C++ ;
  • Systems programming (typically coursework in computer organization and operating systems);
  • Data structures and algorithms.

Key Dates


Connect with our online MS in Computer Science enrollment team to learn how to submit a stronger application.


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